目的 探讨新生儿惊厥病因。方法 回顾分析 10 8例新生儿惊厥的病因 ,从原发病、发病日龄、惊厥发作类型 ,分别探讨了与病因的关系。结果 缺氧缺血性脑病为新生儿期惊厥的主要病因 ,占 4 9.1% ;感染为第2位 ,占 2 1.3% ,以败血症为主 ;颅内出血占 17.6 % ;低血钙占 10 .2 % ;低血糖占 1.8%。 3d内发病占大多数 ,为6 7.5 % ,主要由颅内病变引起 ;惊厥类型与原发病有一定关系。
Objective To study the causes of newborn convulsion.Methods The cauese in 108 cases of newborn convulsion were retrospectively analyzed with the emphasis on the original disease,the onset day after birth and the types of convulsion.Results Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy(HIE,49.1%)was the most common cause followed by infection(21.3%),intracranial bleeding(17.6%),hypocalcemia(10.2%),and hypoglycemia( 1.8 %);About 67.5% patients had convulsion onsetted in the first three days of their life.There was certain relationship between the original disease and type of convulsion.Conclusion Newborn convulsion is mainly caused by HIE.
Journal of Huaihai Medicine