目的 评价生长激素治疗胆漏的临床疗效 ,探讨临床治疗胆漏的新方法。方法 回顾分析我院自 1 992年7月至 2 0 0 2年 5月非手术治疗 6 9例胆漏患者住院时间、治愈率及胆汁引流量。结果 2 6例 (A组 )患者在常规通畅引流、营养支持、预防感染基础上接受生长激素治疗 ,另 4 3例 (B组 )仅予以常规治疗 ,平均住院日分别为 1 4 .5± 3.6d和 2 4 .5± 6 .8d(P =0 .0 1 5 ) ,2 0d内胆漏总治愈率分别为 96 % (2 5 2 6 )和 70 % (30 4 3) (P =0 .0 1 8)。结论 生长激素能显著缩短胆漏治愈时间 ,提高胆漏治愈率 。
Objective To investigate the growth hormone therapy for postoperative bile leakage. Methods 69 cases of patients who suffered from postoperative bile leakage from Jul 1992 to May 2002 were studied retrospectively. Results All patients received ordinary treatment including effective drainage, nutrition supporting, infection-protecting. Besides this, 26 patients(group A) received growth hormone therapy and whose mean hospitalization was (14.5±3.6)days, significantly shorter than that of the other 43 patients (group B) who didn't received growth hormone therapy (P=0.015). And the cure rate (during 20 days) of group A was 96% (25/26), markedly higher than that of group B 70%(30/43)(P=0.018). Conclusion Growth hormone can shorten the hospitalized time for recovery of bile leakage, improve the cure rate of bile leakage.
Journal of Nanhua University(Medical Edition)