中国是世界上最大的渔业生产国 ,水产种质资源十分丰富 ,据统计有 30 0 0多种。然而 ,随着全球气候变化 ,生态破坏 ,土壤流失 ,水质污染以及过度捕捞等现象的存在 ,中国水生生物多样性面临着严重的威胁。因此 ,如何保护和合理利用水产种质资源已成为保证中国渔业可持续发展的重要问题。本文在介绍了我国水产种质资源数据库建设的必要性后 ,对数据的收集、处理以及系统的设计、功能和问题等都作了阐述。系统共包括了我国海洋和内陆水域水生动植物种类基本特征数据库、我国海淡水重要经济种类数据库、我国海淡水主要水产养殖种类养殖技术数据库、我国珍稀、濒危、特有水生生物资源数据库、国外引进种种质资源数据库、我国各海区渔业环境和主要经济种类分布数据库、我国各内陆水域渔业环境和主要经济种类分布数据库、我国主要渔业经济种类统计数据库、有关水产种质资源研究的文献数据库等 9个数据库。用户可以通过Internet在http :/ /zzzy .cafs .ac .
With abundant aquatic living resources, around 3 000 fish species, China is a great fish producer in the world. However, due to the changes of global climate, damage of some ecosystems, soil erosion, water pollution, and over fishing, China's aquatic biodiversity is facing a serious threat. So, how to conserve and adequate utilize fish resources is becoming a critical issue for China to ensure a sustainable development of fishery industry. Information System of Fish Germplasm Resources in China aims to collect and process fish germplasm information, with emphasis on the commercially important cultured species, and build up a number of databases in the effort of keeping all the data available so far for each aquatic living species or stock in China and bringing them into full play in the areas of gemplasm researches, resource conservation and fish production. The system consists primarily 9 databases: Basic information of species available in China , Database of commercially important species, Database of major cultured species, Database of endangered species, Database of introduced species, Environmental data for marine species, Environmental data for inland water, Statistics on commercially important species and Bibliography of fish germplasm. Accessible from the Internet by website http://zzzy.cafs.ac.cn, the system provides such functions as data input, data modification, data output, search and data analysis.
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology
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