将虚拟现实技术应用到教学中 ,能够很好地满足教学中情景化及自然交互性的要求。学生可以亲身探索本身不能到达的环境 ,观察现实中难以观测的现象。更重要的是 ,教师可以简化现实世界中过于复杂的细节 ,从而可以更好的突出事物的特点。随着该技术在教学应用中的不断研究开发 ,它在教育领域内将有着极其巨大的应用前景。
Using VR in teaching & learning can satisfy the requirements of scene change and interaction.The students can explore environments that aren't locally accessible and measure the phenomena they wouldn't normally be able to do in practice.More importantly,a teacher can simplify the complexity of the world and focus his attention on particular features.With the develoment of VR and its wide application,it has a great outlook in education application.The paper describes the notion of VR,and its features in educational application.
Journal of Sichuan University of Science and Technology