本文主要利用近三十年来的文献资料 ,概述了普里兹湾及其邻近洋区物理海洋学研究的进展。其主要内容包括 :1 .开展普里兹湾及其邻近海域物理海洋学研究的科学意义 ;2 .现场考察的综述 ;3.水团分布及其物理特性 ;4.海流观测及其分析 ,与此同时 ,说明了在上述各个方面的研究成果和最新进展。最后指出了目前在有关的观测和研究工作中存在的不足 ,以及今后改进的建议。
Based on the literature mainly published in the recent 30 years, this paper summarizes the progress in physical oceanographic studies of Prydz Bay and its adjacent Oceanic area. The main contents of the paper are: 1. scientific significances for studying the physical oceanography of Prydz Bay and its adjacent ocean; 2. summary of the field expeditions related to the studied region; 3. water mass distribution and the physical characteristics; 4. measurements and analyses of oceanic currents in the region. At the same time, the scientific achievements and the recent progress made in all the aspects mentioned above are delineated. Finally insufficiencies in the observations and studies in the past years are discussed and some proposals for the futrue improvement are suggested in the paper.
Chinese Journal of Polar Research
中央级科研院所社会公益研究专项资金项目 ( 2 0 0 1DIA5 0 0 40 )