以金红石型铬镍奥氏体不锈钢焊条焊缝为研究对象 ,以气泡浮出速度理论为基础 ,综合介绍了不锈钢焊缝中气孔形成机理研究的几种观点 :药皮中水分影响理论、熔滴中非金属夹杂物影响理论、焊缝金属凝固模式影响理论和熔滴过渡形态影响理论 ,为后续研究及工程应用提供了必要的理论依据。
The object studied in this paper is the weld of rutile type Cr-Ni austenitic stainless electrode. Based on the theory of blowhole emersion velocity, progress of mechanism investigation of blowhole formation, including the influence theory of moisture in electrode covering, the influence theory of non-metallic inclusions in droplets, the influence theory of solidification mode of weld metal and the influence theory of droplet transfer pattern, are introduced, which provides the basis for necessary theory of further investigating and engineering application.
Welding & Joining