根据热带地区环境特点和树种特性 ,较为系统地阐述了热带树种育苗技术研究的现状 ;介绍了热带树种的容器育苗、实生苗培育、无性繁殖以及微生物育苗技术 ;展望了热带树种育苗技术研究的发展前景。热带树种育苗技术研究尚是一个薄弱环节 ,需要热带林业工作者不懈地努力 ,探索合适育苗技术体系。
This paper reviewed the current status of nursery techniques for tropical tree species at aspects of container-nursery, seedling growth, propagation, and application of micro-organism in comparison with temperate tree species, and suggested the perspectives in this field. Up to now nursery techniques for temperate tree species are still widely applied in the nursery for tropical tree species, which resulted in a number of failures in practice. Great efforts should be made to develop nursery technique system suitable for tropical tree species.
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province