本文在对具有典型代表意义的哈尼生态村———箐口进行“聚焦”基础上 ,分析了作为哈尼人民世代积累创造的巨大物质财富和精神财富代表的壮美梯田 ,没有给哈尼人带来应有的富裕与幸福的基本情况和相关原因 ;提出了梯田文化之魂与市场经济观念融合 ,提高产出率、提升梯田价值 ,让梯田造福哈尼人民的相关措施和途径 ;对以梯田乡村生态观光农业为导向 ,促进农村产业结构。
Through a case study of Qingkou Village, a typi ca l Hani ecological village, the authors analyze the existing status of the Hani t erraced fields, which embody their age-old material and spiritual wealth, and th e causes why these wonderful terraced fields have not brought them corresponding wealth and happiness in this new era. To help improve this situation, the autho rs bring up the following suggestions: the combination of Hani terraced-field cu lture with the modern market concept, the increase of their value, the terraced- field tourism, and the improvement of the agricultural, industrial and economic structures at the county level.
Journal of Yunnan Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)