本文通过对移动床生物膜反应器预处理微污染原水挂膜过程的研究,讨论了在挂膜过程中NH4+ -N,NO2--N等污染物的去除率与生物膜上硝化细菌数量变化的相关性和生物相的变化情况,并提出了生物膜挂膜成功的判断依据;同时考察了前期不曝气对挂膜过程以及增加水力负荷对刚挂好的生物膜的影响。
Through the research of the process of biofilm colonization in pretreating the slightly polluted raw water by Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor, this paper discussed the correlation between the removal rates of ammonium and nitrate during the process of biofilm colonization and the number of nitrifer on the biofilm, as well as the changes of the biological phase. And it also suggests the criteria of judging the success about the biofilm colonization. At the same time it elaborates impacts on the biofilm colonization of the non -aeration in the early time and increase inflow volume. Key words: slightly polluted raw water; biofilm colonization; Nitrosomonas; Nitrobacter; ammonium; nitrate
North Environment