《西游记》中存在着大量的诗词 ,尽管这些诗词的艺术水平参差不齐 ,历来不为人所重视 ,但因为包孕着丰富的内涵 ,而成为《西游记》无法分割的一部分。其中的许多诗词就共同反映了作者热爱山水自然景象、向往渔樵恬淡自由生活的羡隐乐逸思想。隐逸思想贯穿于《西游记》全书 ,与作者主观上鄙薄功名利禄、追求精神自由有关 ,也与《西游记》题材及题材的矛盾性有着潜在的关联 ,是儒释道三教长期以来交融渗透的产物 ,并具有一定的时代特征 ,体现出中国传统思想的复杂性及中国传统隐逸文化的价值。
There are many poets in the book of Xiyou Ji. Although they are different in art's value, even though not being attached important to, they contain abundant meanings. Many of them express the author's thoughts, namely he loved nature and wanted to live a free life just like hermits. The formation of this thought is related to both the author of himself and the large culture circumstances that affects chinese people for a long time.
Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University