在介绍基于资源分配图的、传统的死锁检测算法基础上 ,提出一种新的基于并行技术的死锁检测算法 ,并用 1个实例说明该算法的执行过程。新的死锁检测算法是基于矩阵表示方法 ,在最坏情况下 ,运行时间复杂度是 O (min (m,n) ) ,其中 m和 n分别是进程和资源的数量。新的死锁检测算法与传统的算法相比 ,执行时间大大减少 ,需要内存也比较小 ,系统能够很好地检测死锁的发生 ,并且释放占有资源。
A new algorithm of deadlock detection based on concurrent technology is given with citing of an executive processes,which was introduced by the traditional algorithm based on the use of the resource allocation graph The worst case cost of the new algorithm,which based on the expression of matrix,is O (min(m,n)),m is the number of processes and n is the number of resource Compared with the traditional one,the new algorithm's decreasing in execute time greatly,and lesser in memory requirements The system could detected the deadlock and released the possessive resource effectively
Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences