目的 :分析胸腔胃 -气管瘘的特异性临床表现和数字化显影征象。方法 :回顾性分析 6例具有完整临床资料的胸腔胃 -气管瘘的临床和口服碘水造影表现。结果 :胸腔胃 -气管瘘主要临床表现 :进食水呛咳、肺部感染、水电解质紊乱、营养衰竭等 ;口服碘水造影显示瘘口和瘘道的大小、位置 ,与误咽气管进行鉴别诊断。结论 :胸腔胃 -气管瘘易于误诊 ,应注意与食管 -气管瘘、食管吻合口狭窄和 /或瘘、气管误咽相鉴别。根据特征性的临床表现和口服碘水造影可以确诊 ,并为下一步治疗方案提供依据。
Purpose To analyse the clinical and digital enteron radiography manifestations of thoracostomach-airway fistulas.Methods The clinical manifestations and digital enteron radiography with water-soluble medium were analyzed in 6 cases with thoracostomach-airway fistula retrospectively.Results The main clinical manifestations were choke,inhalation pneumonia,fever,becoming thin,aridity,turbulence of water and electorlyte,et al.We can see the site,size of fistula and pneumonia infection on the digital enteron radiography examination.Conclusion Thoracostomach-airway fistula is easy to be misdiagnosed,we should differentiate it from esophago-respiratory and anastomotic fistula,anastomotic stenosis error-swallow.Thoracostomach-airway fistula could be diagnosed according to clinical significances and digital enteron radiography,which can also help alterating the method of treatment in further.
Central Plains Medical Journal