目的 :总结心血管系统药物导致阿斯综合征 (A S)的临床发病规律 ,提高用药水平。方法 :回顾性分析 32例患者的临床用药和发生特点。结果 :临床常用的心血管药物几乎都可致A S ,以抗心律失常药最多。半数以上患者临床上有A S先兆 ,A S发作时以快速型心律失常居多。用药不合理和用药过程监测失误是药源性A S发生的重要因素。结论 :正确诊断、准确用药和严密监测是防止此类A
Objective: To Summarize clinical regulation of Adams Stockes Syndrome caused by vascular medicines,and improve usage of medicine Mehtods: To Review the analysis of 32 samples' usage of medicine and characteristics Results: Almost all of vascular medicines in common use could lead to A S,most of them are antiarrhythmic drugs Above half of the clients have A S aura Conclusions: Diagnosing correctly,using medicine accurately and monitoring strictly are the keys prevent this kind of A S occrrence
Guangzhou Medical Journal