记述厉螨科LealapidaeBerlese ,1892下盾螨属HypoaspisCanestrini,1885 1新种 ,即卵形下盾螨Hypoaspisovatussp .nov .。标本采自青海省湟中县总寨地区灰仓鼠Cricetulusmigratorius体上。模式标本存放在青海省地方病预防控制所 ,文内测量单位均为 μm。
This paper describes new a species of Hypoaspis Canestrini,1885 from Qinghai Province.All measurements are given in micrometers.Hypoaspis ovatus sp. nov.(Figs.1-4) Female.Body white and oval,430(418-439)?μm long,239(255-316)?μm wide.Dorsal shield covers whole dorsum and dorsal setae have 41 pairs of setae.Hyponathal groove is very narrow.On the gnathosoma the anterior hypostomatic setae are stout.Movable digit of chela has 2 teeth,fixed digit with 6-7 teeth.Middle of anterior and posterior margins of sternal plate a little concave,surface of the plate with reticulate pattern.Metapodal plate in shape.Genito-ventral plate axe-like and posterior margin slightly convex.Ventral cuticle has about 28-32 pairs of setae.Peritrematic plate is wide,extending above coxa Ⅱ.Anal plate oval with reticulate pattern. Male.Unknown.;Diagnosis.Genito-ventral plate axe-like and anal plate oval.On the gnathosoma the anterior hypostomatic setae are stout.Peritrematic plate is wide.;Holotype ♀,paratypes 5♀♀,collected from Huangzhong County(36°27′N,101°30′E),Qinghai Province, 12 and 17 Oct.2001.The type specimens are deposited in the Institute for Endemic Disease Prevention and Control of Qinghai Province.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica