光是一个比较复杂的外部生态因子,包括光谱、光照强度和光周期。光在水生环境中具有特殊的特征。鱼 对光变化的感受性随着鱼种类以及发育水平的不同而不同。水生动物的摄食、生长、发育以及存活等都直接或者间接 受到光的影响。主要综述了光照对水生动物在这几方面的影响。
As a complex ecological factor, light has three characteristics: the color spectrum,the light intensity and the photoperiod. The sensibility of the fish to the light changes according to the species and the developmental stage. The paper summarized the effect of light on the feeding behavior, growth, development and survival rate of fish.
Shandong Fisheries