旨在为桑园及周围农田合理用药提供科学依据,采用浸叶法首先比较了乐果对8种广东地区常见家蚕品系的急性毒性,并筛选出对乐果最敏感品系为9·芙,可推荐作为农药登记和风险性评估的广东地区的家蚕品种。同时对浸叶法中2种常见晾干方式进行了比较,以完善并提高家蚕急性毒性试验浸叶法的可比性和可靠性。结果表明,平铺自然晾干法更接近自然环境中桑叶接触农药后干燥的状态。以9·芙家蚕为供试蚕种,评估了14种农药对家蚕的急性毒性,结果表明:甲氧虫酰肼、阿维菌素和氯虫苯甲酰胺对家蚕96h的LC_(50)值分别为O.144、0.015 5和0.025 5mg a.i./L,属于剧毒级;噻虫嗪、杀螟丹、茚虫威对家蚕96h的LC_(50)值分别为1.94、3.87和2.76mg a.i./L,属于高毒级;杀菌剂吡唑醚菌酯对家蚕96h的LC_(50)值为20.8mg a.i./L,属于中毒级;杀虫剂虫螨腈、乐果,杀菌剂咯菌腈、戊唑醇以及除草剂双草醚、烟嘧磺隆和炔草酯96h的LC_(50)值均>200mg a.i./L,属于低毒级。因此,在桑园及其附近大田使用农药时,应采取适当措施降低其对家蚕的急性毒性,同时严格控制安全间隔期,以免对桑蚕生产造成损失。
To provide scientific basis for pesticide reasonable applicationsin mulberry fields as well as surrounding agricultural fields,the acute toxicities of dimethoate on 8 common silkworm strains in Guangdong were evaluated by using a leaf-dipping method.The screening results showed that 9·Fu strain was the most sensitive varietyto dimethoate.Therefore,9·Fu strain could be considered to be the silkworm variety for pesticide registration and risk assessment in Guangdong.To increase the comparability and reliability of the acute toxicity test of silkworm,a comparison test between two common drying ways in leaf-dipping method was conducted.The result showed that flat-to-dry method was closer to the natural state of drying mulberry leaves which exposed to pesticides in natural environment.The acute toxicities of 14 pesticides to 9·Fu silkworm(Bombyxmori) were evaluated by using a leaf-dipping method.The results indicated that the96h-LC_(50) values of abamectin,methoxyfenozide and chlorantraniliprole were 0.015 5mg a.i./L,0.144 mg a.i./L and 0.025 5mg a.i./L respectivelyshowingextremelytoxic to the tested silkworm variety;the 96h-LC_(50) values of thiamethoxam,cartapand indoxacarbwere 1.94 mg a.i./L,3.87 mg a.i./L and 2.76 mg a.i./L respectively showing high toxicity;the 96h-LC_(50) value of pyraclostrobin was 20.8mg a.i./Lshowing middle toxicity;the 96h-LC_(50) values of chlorfenapyr,dimethoate,tebuconazole,bispyribac-sodium,nicosulfuron,clodinafop-propargyl and fludioxoni were all higher than 200 mg a.i/L,which were accordingly classified as low-level toxicity.Therefore,to lower silkworm acute toxicity and avoid loss in silk production,when pesticides were used in or near mulberry fields,appropriate measures should be taken and safety interval must be strictly controlled.
Pesticide Science and Administration
佛山市院市合作项目农药对家蚕(Bombyx mori L)慢性毒性测试标准化试验技术的研究(2013HK100341)
acute toxicity
a leaf-dipping method