本文以海南省远程医疗系统的建设的规划方案为基础 ,在分析了当前国内外远程医疗技术发展现状的情况下 ,提出了建设一种基于Internet的区域性医疗信息交换中心的基本构想 ,并着重探讨了建立基于Internet的区域性医疗信息交换中心总体目标、系统结构及其对远程医疗系统建设的重要意义等问题。其意义在于探索如何有效地利用计算机信息处理技术 ,不断拓展大型综合医院的医疗技术服务空间 。
Based on the construction project solution for the telemedicine system of Hainan Province, this paper analyzes the situation of the development of the telemedicine technology in land and abroad, then presents a concept about constructing the medical information exchange center with Internet and discusses its global objective, the system construction and the significance for telemedicine.
Information of Medical Equipment