N 酰基高丝氨酸内酯 (AHLs)作为信号分子介导的细菌群体感应机制参与许多生物学功能的调节 ,当侵染动植物寄主组织的病原菌繁殖到一定量时 ,细菌本身产生的AHLs积累到临界浓度 ,AHLs与胞内特异受体结合 ,启动致病因子的表达。利用AHLs降解酶和AHLs类似物的特性 ,干扰和破坏病原菌的AHLs 群体感应机制 。
Bacterial N Acyl L homoserine lactones (AHLs) mediated quorum sensing is involved in the regulation of diverse biological functions. As the bacterial pathogen population density increases, AHLs concentration secreted by pathogen reaches a threshold and then interacts with their intracellular receptors and triggers expression of virulence genes. It is a promising approach to biologically control bacterial diseases in plant and animal by manipulating bacterial AHL quorum sensing with AHLs degrading enzyme and AHL homology.
Journal of The Hebei Academy of Sciences