
海上溢油事故应急反应系统框架的研究 被引量:14

Research on the frame of oil spill emergency response system at sea
摘要 本文初步给出了海上溢油事故应急反应系统的总体框架,并介绍了海上溢油事故应急反应系统的五个组成部分及各组成部分的主要功能:溢油信息收集子系统、溢油模拟子系统、环境与资源信息数据库、溢油应急指挥中心、溢油应急处理子系统。该溢油事故应急反应系统具有功能综合、结合GIS和RS、决策支持等特点,可为建立海上溢油事故应急反应系统提供参考。 A frame of oil spill emergency response system at sea was setup, and the compostion of the system and its main function were given, which includes the subsystems of oil spill information collection, environment and resources information database, command center of oil spill emergency, and oil spill emergency disposal. The oil spill emergency response system has the characteristics of function integration, combination of GIS and RS, and decision support, and can supply references to set up oil spill emergency response system at sea.
作者 施益强 陈玲
出处 《海洋环境科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期40-43,共4页 Marine Environmental Science
基金 福建省海岸带环境调控及其决策支持系统资助(2000H003)
关键词 溢油 应急反应系统 框架 oil spill emergency response system frame
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