根据显微结构鉴定 ,有机质分析 ,颗粒分析 ,Ca CO3测定和野外观察、统计等资料 ,研究了黄土的本质和形成模式。资料表明 ,黄土具有土壤的各种结构 ,具有指示草原和森林草原土壤发生特征的 Ca CO3和 Ca SO4 淀积成分 ,含有土壤的有机质 ;黄土的本质是土壤 ,是在相对冷干气候条件下发育的多种灰黄色狭义土壤 ,而且是在当时当地气候条件下处于稳定状态的发育成熟的古土壤 ;黄土形成模式是风尘经草原、森林草原和荒漠草原区的成壤作用形成土壤的模式。黄土高原是世界上土壤资源最深厚、最富集的地区 ,黄土的工程地质性质和水文地质性质在很大程度上取决于成壤作用的强弱。
The materials show that the loess possess bio-texture, edg-prismatic and crumb texture, and also have the illuvial component of CaCO 3 coming from the soil and the atmospheric water, which reveals the reason of high CaCO 3 content and calcification.In the cold and wet areas, the organic content in the loess is higher than that in the soils of desert-grasslands areas, which indicate the loess is the soils with the organic substance formed during the soil-forming process. The loess possess these conditions such as biology, climate ,fine-homogeneous parent material forming soil fast., available terrain and long enough time to change into mature soil during its the developmental process, which shows during the loess formation process, the five fundamental factors for soil-forming have been provided .In essence, the loess is soil, and it is made up of multiple gray-yellow paleosol developed under the conditions of cold and arid climate relatively. In addition, it is steady and mature paleosol under the unique climate condition at that time, the soil types of which are mainly chestnut soil, sierozem, brown soil and dark loessial soil but only minority is cinnamon soil. The formation model of the loess is the one that wind dust experience soil-forming processes in the areas of forest-grasslands, grasslands and desert-grasslands. The loess can indicate the cold and arid climate. In the loess plateau areas, the soil resource enriches mostly, the loess is the soil resource with superior soil texture, rich element and mineral component. The sub-divisions of soil profile isn't obvious owing to continue deposit of wind dust and the weak soil-forming processes. The physical and mechanical character of the loess is influenced by the soil-forming process to a great extent.
Acta Sedimentologica Sinica
教育部重大项目 ( 2 0 0 0 ZDXM770 0 13
0 1ZJDXM770 0 14 )
国际地质对比计划项目 ( IGCP3 79
IGCP44 8)
国家自然科学基金项目 (批准号 :40 0 710 0 6)
国土资源部九 .五重点项目 ( 95 0 110 4)资助
the formation of the loess, the essence of the loess, weak soil-forming process, grasslands soil, the formation model of loess