2 0世纪 90年代末以来国内企业掀起一股间接海外上市热潮 ,其中有很多民营企业。间接海外上市成本很高 ,而且缺乏法律支持。然而众多民营企业仍然宁愿选择迂回的间接海外上市之路 ,这一现象引人深思。以“裕兴电脑”
Since the end of 1990s,there is a surge of indirect oversea IPO in China,in which many private enterprises are involved.Compared with domestic IPO,indirect oversea IPO costs higher and lacks legal support,but many private enterprises still prefer indirect oversea IPO.This article analyzes the reasons of this phenomenon on the background of the indirect oversea IPO of'Yuxing Info Tech Holdings Limited'in Hongkong GEM and puts forward some advice on the supervision about it.
Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Social Science Edition)