林风眠与徐悲鸿是中国现代绘画的先驱者。在现代中国美术史上 ,林风眠与徐悲鸿无疑并称双璧。林风眠侧重于表现主义 ,徐悲鸿倾向于写实主义。徐悲鸿将西方写实主义精神融进中国画的传统 ,志在复兴中国画 ;林风眠把西方现代理念与中国传统相互调和 ,开创了中国现代绘画的先河。
Both Lin Fengmian and Xu Beihong were the pioneers of contemporary Chinese painting. In the history of contemporary Chinese arts, Lin Fengmian and Xu Beihong were without doubt unsurpassable. Lin Fengmian tended towards expressionism while Xu Beihong preferred realism. Xu Beihong infused the spirit of Western realistic art into the Chinese tradition of painting, aiming to invigorate the latter. Lin Fengmian, however, adapted ideas of Western art into traditional Chinese painting, thus pioneering modern Chinese painitng.
Journal of Guizhou University Art Edition