根据江南水网地区的地貌特点 ,叙述了西气东输管道工程B2 4~B2 7四个标段管道施工的技术难点 ,介绍了输气管道在复杂地貌条件下的施工组织与措施、具体施工方法的确定和实施过程 ,为在河流、湖泊、沼泽和滩海等水域建设管道提供借鉴。
The paper describes the construction technique of gas pipeline in waters ar ea for the B24~B25 pipeline section of West-to-East Pipeline Project in Yangtze River district based on the geological features of the waters, introduces the construction steps and progress, determination of constru ction techniques and program implementation for the pipeline section, which can provide an important ref erence to the pipeline construction conducted in rivers, lakes, swamp and beach strand for other pipeline companies. Some suggestions to build gas pipelines in waters area are put forward.
Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation