语用信息在语言习得中的作用已经受到越来越多的关注。本文首先阐述了语用信息在英语学习中的重要性并 将其分为两类:语义——语用信息及文化——语用信息。接着以《朗文当代英语词典》(1987)为例介绍常用英语学习词典在 提供语用信息方面的一些做法。最后强调编纂一本语用信息丰富的双语词典的重要性,并提出一些建议。
The role of the pragmatic information in acquiring a foreign language has received more and more attention. This paper illustrates the importance of pragmatic information in studying English and classifies it into semantic-pragmatic information and cultural-pragmatic information, introduces an English dictionary that sets a good example in terms of pragmatic information-Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(1987), emphasizes the necessity of compiling an English-Chinese dictionary abound in pragmatic information and gives some suggestions.
Journal of Henan Radio & TV University