目的 分析钩端螺旋体病在本市的流行趋势及预防措施对流行的影响 ,并提出控制策略。方法 描述流行病学方法。结果 1958年钩体病首次在本市发现 ,其后蔓延至全市所有县 (市、区 ) ,并于 1973~ 1978年发生大流行 ,个别县年发病率达 10 0 / 10万~ 3 0 0 / 10万。由于各项防制措施的落实 ,1979年后 ,其发病率一直控制在较低水平。结论 钩体病在本市曾发生过高强度的流行 ,只要采取有力的预防措施 。
Objective To analyze the eff ec ts of the epidemic trend and preventive measures of the Leptospirosis on its epi demic and to suggest precautionary measures Methods Descriptive epidemiology Results The firs t case of leptospirosis occurred in 1958 in Ganzhou and then it was spreading up from 1973 to 1978,with the rate at 100~300/100 000 per year in some counties A fter 1979,the occurrence of leptospirosis was in relative low level because of the precautionary measures taken Conclusions Leptospirosis was high stren gth epidemicity in Ganzhou and could be controlled well as long as taking the ef fective preventive measure
Chinese Preventive Medicine