工业结构调整应是一个结构不断优化的过程。中部地区工业结构调整应遵循“制度层面的产业组织结构调整———企业产权重组”与“技术层面的产业技术结构调整———产业技术升级”两条路径进行 ,其关键与核心问题是工业生产要素的流动化。金融拥有的以资金流引导实物流进行资源配置的功能 ,能在以上两方面对工业结构调整提供金融支撑。目前中部地区金融业的发展水平还不能满足工业结构调整的需要 。
A core question on the adjustment of Industry structure in central district of China is fluidity of production element.The function of the resource disposition that the finance specially processes in material object flow led by capital flow can provide financial support for the correction of industry structure.However,the current financial development situations in the central district of China can not satisfy the requirements of the adjustment of industry structure,and finance priority is a key factor on the adjustment of Industry structure in there.
Journal of Modern Information