Doo Sabin曲面是对多边形控制网格进行递归细分的极限曲面 利用Doo Sabin曲面具有的逐步逼近的多分辨率特性和误差公式 ,根据加工误差确定控制网格的细分次数 ,并以此代替目标曲面进行粗加工刀具轨迹计算 ,从而合理简化了加工细节 ,提高了粗加工效率 另外 ,改进了传统的G Buffer技术 ,提出了能统一应用于大型工件粗加工和精加工的S Buffer算法 进一步分析了S Buffer数据的相关性 ,采用平均加权响应时间为性能指标 ,设计了抢先式的动态负载平衡策略 ,基于MPI实现了S
Doo Sabin surfaces are the limits of recursively refined polyhedral meshes The recursion depth n of a Doo Sabin surface is estimated according to the error equation Then the polyhedral mesh after n steps of subdivision is used as a substitute for the limit surface during rough machining to simplify the tool paths The traditional G Buffer method is extended to a strip buffer method (called S Buffer) to generate NC tool paths for objects of large size Furthermore, we analyze the locality of S Buffer, adopt the weighted response time as a performance index, and develop a preemptive and dynamic task assignment and load balance strategy Thus we effectively parallelize S Buffer based on the message passing interface(MPI)
Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics
国家自然科学基金 (60 2 730 13)
和高等学校博士点基金(2 0 0 10 0 0 30 48)