简要介绍了土壤碳蓄积量的计算方法 ,包括土壤类型法、植被类型法、生命地带法、相关关系法和模型方法 ,以及土壤有机碳蓄积量的误差分析方法 .根据中国第二次土壤普查 2 4 73个典型土种剖面数据 ,采用土壤类型法和两种碳密度方法计算 ,估算的中国陆地土壤有机碳蓄积量处于 6 15 .19× 10 14 ~ 12 11.37× 10 14 g之间 ,平均碳密度为 10 .4 9~ 10 .5 3kg·m-2 (土壤厚度为 10 0cm)或 11.5 2~ 12 .0 4kg·m-3 (土壤平均厚度为 88cm) ,土壤平均碳蓄积量为 913.2 8± 2 98.0 9× 10 14 g ,估算的不确定性在 2 0 %~ 5 0 %之间 .其中 ,土壤碳计算和采样数量的差异是导致土壤碳蓄积量估算不确定性的重要因素 .
The paper summarizes different estimating methods of soil organic carbon (SOC) storage including methods of soil taxonomy, vegetation types, Holdridge zones, correlative relationship and modeling. The error analysis of SOC calculation was introduced. Based on second national soil survey 2473 soil profiles, adopting soil taxonomy method and two kinds of SOC density, the terrestrial SOC storage in China was estimated. The range of SOC storage in China is between 615.19 and 1211.37×10 14 g and the average SOC density is between 10.49~10.53 kg·m -2 (for average soil depth of 100cm) or 11.52~12.04 kg·m -3 (for average soil depth of 88cm). Through estimation and error analysis, the average SOC storage is about 913.28±298.09×10 14 g and the uncertainty is among 20%~50%. Results showed that the differences of SOC estimation and sampling methods are important factors of SOC estimating uncertainties.
Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所知识创新工程主干科学计划专题"中国陆地生态系统土壤有机碳蓄积估算"(CXIOG E0 1 0 2 0 2 )