利用锯木屑、珍珠岩、细沙、蛭石、草炭、有机肥、壤土等按照一定体积比组成配合基质 ,用于大樱桃试管苗移栽。研究结果表明 ,基质对试管苗成活率有明显影响 ;不同基质对大樱桃试管苗株高、根长、叶片数和冠径影响显著 ,而对茎粗无显著影响 ;采用“壮苗指数”法和“综合评分”法对不同基质的应用效果进行评估 ,结果表明 ,基质T5、T6和T3 均适用于大樱桃试管苗移栽 ,其中以T5( 8份锯木屑 ,1份珍珠岩 ,1份草炭的混合基质 )最佳。
Media were composed of kinds of subiects such as wood slip,peare stone,fine sand,organic fertilizer,coam soil and so on for cherry plantlets transplanting、The results indicated that media had influence on survival rate of seedlings,different media had significant effect on seedling height,root length,leaves and crown,but on stem diameter not so.Fine seedling inden and lomprehensive marks were employed to evaluate the effects of media,which shown that medium T 5、T 6 and T 3 were suited,of which T 5(8 wood slip:1 peare stone:1 soft coal)was optimum.
Journal of Shandong Forestry Science and Technology