对联 ,作为中国文学独有的一种用语言文字表达思想感情的文学形式源远流长 ,在语文教学中发挥着独特作用。其作用有四 :帮教师卒章显志 ,助学生抓住要领 ;引发思考的切点 ,透析文章的标尺 ;只言片语解缘由 ,化繁为简寓其中 ;悠悠对联娓娓语 。
Antithetical couplet, a unique literary style of Chinese,used to express peoples thoughts and feelings with language, has a long history and plays an important role in teaching. It includes four respects such as helping teachers explain the articles main ideas concisely and students grasp the essentials; leading the point of contact, analysing the standard of the article; illustrating the reasons in brief, stating complicated hows and whys in simple words; pointing out the pathway with graceful antithetical couplets.
Journal of Jiaozuo University