朱载士育是我国明代杰出的乐律学家 ,在世界上首创了十二平均律理论。朱载士育神道碑原存于朱载士育墓地 ,即沁阳市东北九峰山下。神道碑由我国明代著名书法家王铎撰文并书丹 ,详述了朱载士育世系、生平事迹和学术成果 ,是研究朱载士育学术思想的重要文献资料 ,对纠补正史之漏误有重要的价值。朱载士育神道碑文在清代《怀庆府志》、《河内县志》中 。
Zhu Zaiyu, an outstanding expert of Ming Dynasty, first created the theory of twelve_tone equal temperament in the world. Zhu Zaiyus stone tablet was originally placed at Zhu Zaiyus tomb, namely at the foot of Nine_peak Mountain in the northeast of Qinyang City. The stone tablet was written and inscribed by Wang Duo, the noted Calligraphist of Ming Dynasty. The stone tablet described Zhu Zaiyus pedigree, life story and academic achievements and was the important document for studying Zhu Zaiyus academic thought while it was of important value to the losses and faults of the official history. Zhu Zaiyus stone tablet essay was carried in The Annals of Huaiqing Prefecture and The Annals of Henei County of Qing Dynasty.
Journal of Jiaozuo University