20世纪 70年代发掘的马王堆汉墓 ,是西汉初车大候利仓家族的墓葬 ,是中国目前发现的保存最完整、出土文物最丰富的一座汉墓群 ,堪称本世纪中国最重大的考古发现之一。竹子是中国古代文明的一大象征 ,英国科学家李约瑟惊叹道 :中国曾是“竹子文明”的国度。研究马王堆里的竹 ,可以惊奇地发现 ,随葬的竹制品种类之多、数量之大 ,涉及面之广、工艺之精和价值之高 ,同样也是前所未有的 ,用地下“竹子博物馆”来称呼它一点都不为过。据统计 ,马王堆出土的竹笋制品共计 2 7个种类 ,80 0多件 ,其中竹简 62 0多枚 ,涉及劳动工具、生活用品、工艺品、书籍、乐器、兵器、饮食和体育等领域。现依托考古发掘和学者们的研究成果 ,试图透过马王堆里的竹 ,去寻觅中国古人们“不可一日无此君”的真谛。
Han dynasty's Ma Wang Dui tomb which unearthed in the 70's of the 20th century is the tomb of the Dai Hou Li Cang family in the early time of West Han dynasty. It is reputed as the greatest discovery of the 20th century's archaeological studies since it is the unearthed tomb with the best conservation and the most cultural relics up to now. Bamboo is a symbol of China's ancient civilization.A British scientist named Josef Lee once exclaimed that China is a kingdom with 'bamboo civilization'. Through a research on the Ma Wang Dui tomb's bamboo, we have found with surprise the burial bamboo articles are unprecedented not only in varieties and quantities, but also in its refined workmanship and high value. It is very proper to name it the 'underground bamboo museum'. Statistically, the unearthed bamboo products from Ma Wang Dui have 27 varieties and totally more than 800 ones ranging from working tools, living utensil, books, instruments, weapons to sports equipment, etc. Among the 800 articles over 620 ones are bamboo books. Based on the discovery of archaeological studies and the scholars' research achievernents, I'm intend to find out the true meaning of the ancient Chinese people's 'can't live a day without bamboo'.
Journal of Bamboo Research