通过不同经营措施对竹阔混交林地力维持的研究 ,指出毛竹纯林的竹材产量要显著地高于毛竹混交林的竹材产量 ,但竹林地力衰退较快 ;毛竹竹阔混交林的自肥能力要比毛竹纯林高 ,在维持土壤肥力方面竹阔混交林具有不可比拟的优越性。研究指出 ,以竹阔混交比例为 8∶ 2 ,竹林密度为 2 1 0 0株· hm-2 的竹阔混交林最具有维持土壤肥力的能力。
Based on the study on the productivity maintenance of bamboo and broad-leave tree mixed stands, it shows that bamboo culm output of pure bamboo stands is higher than that of the mixed bamboo stands, but their productivity degrade faster. The self-fertilization capacity of the mixed bamboo stands is higher than that of the pure bamboo stands. This is of great advantage. The stands with density of 2100 culms/hm2 and proportion of 8∶2 between bamboo culm and broad-leave trees have the highest capacity of productivity maintenance.
Journal of Bamboo Research
国家"九 .五"攻关项目"工业用竹材培育技术研究"(96- 0 11- 0 2 - 0 7- 11)部分研究内容。