本研究的电磁继电器时间参数综合测试分析系统以工业控制计算机为中央处理机 ,采用硬件逻辑控制内存映射的数据采集存储方式 ,可以对电磁继电器线圈或触点信息进行同步采样 1 0路信号 ,且时间分辨率最高可达 0 .2 5 μs。本系统还可以对磁保持继电器中间位置进行测试。测试结果表明 。
The equipment was designed for the research based on industrial control computer. Ten channel signals of coil or contact of electromagnetic relay can be sampled synchronously through the way of hardware logic controlling memeory mapping, and the maximum time resolution is 0.25 μs. The equipment also can be used to test the neutral position of magnetic latch relay. The test result shows that the equipment has very strong application value.
Low Voltage Apparatus