采用蒸发式冷凝器 ,依靠风机通风抽取冷空气 ,然后冷空气与循环水逆流接触 ,移走循环水热量 ,从而使循环水冷却至比大气温度低 6℃~ 8℃的温度 ;水与空气换热过程中 ,在局部形成较低的压力 ,使水得以蒸发 ,从而解决了氨冷冻机排气压力高、温度高的共性问题。该蒸发式冷凝器比普通水冷凝器投资少、能耗低、安装简单、占地少、操作方便。
With the use of evaporative condenser,in which first cooling air was taken by ventilation of fan,then cooling air was contact against the current with water,cooling air takes the heat of recycle water and recycle water temperature cool to lower 6 ℃~8 ℃ than atmospheric temperature.While water exchange the heat with air,the water evaporate at relatively low pressure formed in part.The same kind problem of ammonia refrigeration can be resolved.In comparison with common water condenser,the evaporative condenser has many advantages,such as small investment,low energy consumption,convenient installation and operation.
Shanxi Chemical Industry