目的 :探讨老年人患泌尿外科病并发糖尿病患者的围手术期治疗的安全方法。方法 :对老年人的糖尿病在胰岛素控制血糖后 ,行外科手术治疗泌尿外科疾病。结果 :33例手术成功 ,并发切口感染及尿漏 4例 ,占12 .1% ;肺部感染 1例 ,占 3.0 % ;2 7例前列腺切除术拔导尿管后正常排尿 2 3例 ,尿失禁 4例 (15 .4 % ) ,随访 1~ 3个月治愈。结论 :胰岛素在老年人的泌尿外科疾病并发糖尿病围手术期中十分重要 ,理想地控制血糖是手术成功的安全有效的方法。
Purpose:To study the safe method of perioperative management of geriatric urologic diseases with diabetes.Methods:Use insulin to control blood sugar in diabetics, then do surgical operation to treat the original urological disease.Results:33 cases succeeded in operations, among which 4 cases ( 12.1 %) were complicated with incision infection and urinary fistula, 1( 3.0 %) with lung infection.27 cases underwent prostatectomy, 23 of which had normal urination after withdrawal of urethral catheter, 4 of which presented urine incontinence that were cured within 1-3 months follows up.Conclusions:It is very important to control blood sugar with insulin for successful operations in the perioperative management in geriatric urologic diseases with diabetes.
Journal of Clinical Urology