
台湾中部暗绿绣眼鸟的繁殖生物学 被引量:6

Breeding biology of the Japanese white-eye(Zosterops japonica simplex) in Taichung Area,Taiwan
摘要 本研究将暗绿绣眼鸟 (Zosteropsjaponicasimplex)捕捉、套彩色环后释放 ,分别于 1999年和 2 0 0 1年 3~ 8月追踪监测 7对和 13对暗绿绣眼鸟的繁殖行为。总结此二年对 2 0对暗绿绣眼鸟的监测 ,其繁殖期始于 3月中旬 ,终止于 8月下旬。 1对最多可年产 5窝 ,但以 3~ 4窝为常见。初次筑巢所需时间平均为 10 4d ,筑第 2、3巢的时间依次减少 ;窝与窝之间的繁殖间隔视情况而定 ,如孵化或喂养失败 ,通常都在 1~ 2d内再筑巢 ,如繁殖育雏成功 ,平均相隔 7d再筑巢。 2年 6 3窝的窝卵数平均为 2 6 8± 0 71(n =6 3)枚 ;孵化期平均为 11±0 6 4 (n =4 7)d ;6 3窝孵化成功 4 7窝 ,孵化成功率为 74 6 % ;雏鸟离巢日龄平均为 10 5± 0 88(n =35 )d ;4 7窝雏鸟喂养成功 35窝 ,育雏成功率为 74 5 % ;6 3窝繁殖成功 35窝 ,繁殖成功率为 5 5 5 %。失败因素包括气候、动物掠食。 We caught, banded and released Japanese white eyes and monitored the b reeding behaviour of 7 pairs and 13 pairs in March to August in 1999 and 2001, r e spectively. We found that they began breeding in the middle of March, and finish ed in the last few days of August. Japanese white eyes could product five brood s a year, but usually produced three to four. The average length of the first nes ting period was 10 4 days, but the second and attempt was successful, the inter val to the subsequent nesting attempt was about 7 days. The clutch size of 63 third nesting period were shorter. The intervals between broods depend on the su ccess of the incubation or nestling period. If incubation or nestling failed Whi te eyes would re nest within one to two days. If a nestingbroods averaged 2 6 8±0 71( n =63). The mean incubation period was 11±0 64( n =47)da ys and the nestling period was 10 5±0 88( n =35) days. Hatching success was 74 6% and nestling success was 74 5%. Breeding success was 55 5%. Cause of nesting failure inc luded climate, predators, human destruction and the other unknown reasons
出处 《动物学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期185-190,共6页 ACTA ZOOLOGICA SINICA
关键词 暗绿绣眼鸟 繁殖生物学 窝卵数 孵化期 孵化成功率 离巢日龄 台湾地区 Japanese white eye(Zosterops japonica simplex), Breeding biology, Clutch s ize, Incubation period, Hatching success, Nestling period, Breeding success.
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