为了寻找有效控制继发性肺动脉高压的药物,对18例慢性肺心病患者肌肉注射赤芍注射液4.0~8.0ml,在有心导管监测下观察其对肺动脉高压的作用。注射后5min肺动脉压开始下降,15~30min达高峰。PAPm由3.49±0.89 kPa下降至2.87±0.95 kPa(P<0.01),PaO_2由8.41±1.90kPa升高至9.21±2.01kPa(P<0.01),PvO_2由4.62±1.31 kPa升高至4.93±1.42 kPa(P<0.01),提示赤芍注射液在明显降低肺动脉高压的同时升高了动脉血氧分压,避免了许多治疗肺动脉高压的扩血管药有降低动脉血氧分压的副作用。该药对心率及体循环血压无明显影响。结果表明赤芍是一有前途的降低继发性肺动脉高压的药物。本文还探讨了赤芍注射液降低慢性肺心病肺动脉高压的机理。
In order to seek the effective drug to reduce secondary pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH), we used the right heart catheterization to monitor the changes of pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) in 18 patients with chronic cot pulmonale who were injected with Paeonia lactiflora in a dose of 4.0-8.0ml intramuscularly. The PAP began to reduce 5 minutes after the injecton and reached the highest point at 15-30min. PAPm reduced from 3.49±0.89kPa to 2.87±0.95kPa (P<0.01). PaO_2 increased from 8.41±1.90kPa to 9.21±2.01kPa(P<0.01). The results showed that the injection of Paeonia lactiflora markedly reduced PAH and at the same time increased PaO_2. It avoided the side effects in reducing PaO_2 that many dilating vascular drugs gave rise to in treating PAH. This drug has no significant effect on heart rate and systemic pressure. Paeonia lactiflora is thought to be a promising herb to reduce secondary PAH.
Journal of Henan Medical University
pulmonary artery hypertension
Paeonia lactiflora
treatment use