唐五代小说在中国小说史上具有突出的地位 ,它的出现表明中国古典小说创作已摆脱子、史的束缚 ,逐步走向成熟。鲁迅《中国小说史略》指出唐人“有意为小说” ,叙事艺术的增强是唐五代小说创作走向成熟的重要标志。唐五代小说的叙事艺术有三个方面的特点 :一是勾勒唐五代小说叙事视角的多样化以及各种叙事视角自身的特点 ;二是在叙事时间上 ,标注年号、有意识“扭曲时间” ,顺叙、倒叙、插叙、补叙、预叙等叙事笔法的运用构成唐五代小说独特的叙事时序 ;三是叙事结构上 ,呈现出程式化、板块状的特点 ,作者还通过设置“小说之眼” ,使叙事结构趋于谨严。
The novels in Tang and Five dynastie s were outstanding in the history of Chinese novels. Their appearances demonstrate d that Chinese ancient novels had escaped from the bondages of Zi and history, a nd had turned ripe. In Luxun's 'the Recapitulate History of Chinese Novel'it w as pointed out that the people 'wrote novels on purpose'. The reinforcement o f the narrative art was the important emblem of the turning ripe of the novels i n Tang and Five dynasties, which has never attracted academic attention. There a re three characteristics in its narration. First, it sketches the diversity and the characters of various kinds of narration angles. Secondly, as for narration time marking years and number and 'contorting the time' on purpose can be se en everywhere. The narration skills such as narrating in order, reversing narrat ion, inserting narration, supplementing narrating, and narrating in advance cons titute the unique time order of narration of the novels in Tang and Five dynasti es. Thirdly, it appeared the characters of pattern and board shape. The authors had made the narration framework tend to be strict and complete by setting up ' the eyes of novels'.
Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)
the novels in Tang and Five dynasties
narrati on angle
narration time
narration framework.