
关于资源学科定位及其学科与人才培养体系的建设 被引量:14

Position,classification and educational system construction of resource discipline
摘要 环境问题的根源是资源利用问题。加强资源问题的研究是解决资源利用所引起的环境问题的关键措施。在环境问题研究日趋完善与深化的今天,加强对资源学科体系和资源领域人才培养体系的建设显得更加迫切。论文依据作者近年来从事资源问题研究和资源领域人才培养的实践,以及推动资源学科建设的行动,就资源学科定位、学科体系及其人才培养体系构建,提出一个初步的框架。对资源问题的研究可归纳为“资源学”作为“交叉学科”门类,与理学、工学、管理学等学科门类同级。资源学可进一步划分为资源科学、资源技术学与资源管理学总计3个一级学科,8个二级学科,22个三级学科,59个四级学科,其学位均应授予理学(科学)博士学位。资源领域人才培养应满足科学研究、产业发展与管理等领域的需求,即本科仅设1个专业,研究生设3个专业;逐渐形成本科与研究生专业培养,学士、硕士、博士学位共同组成的人才培养体系,努力建设满足资源领域人才培养的33门核心课程。 The root of environmental problems is how to use resources.Strengthen researches on resources science is a key measure to resolve a series of environmental problems resulted from improper resources utilization.Nowadays,while researches on environmental problems become more and more perfect and thorough,it is urgent for us to strengthen the construction of disci-pline system and education system in the field of resources science.This paper is based on the author's work in recent years,such as researches on resource problems,practices of education and actions on stimulating the discipline construction of resources.The author puts forward an initial framework of the position of resource discipline,classification of discipline system and the educational system construction of resource discipline.In other words,the natural,social and technical characters of resources have definitely located the discipline of resources in intersect disciplines,while the discipline of resources should be categorized into classes of physics,engi-neering and management sciences,that is,resources science in physical science(resourceolo gy),resources technology in engineering science(resourcetics)and resources management in manage-ment science(resources managementology)according to Catalogue of Disciplines and Majors on Awarding Doctor and Master Degree and Graduate Students Education promulgated by Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and the State Commission of Education of China in1997.There are3first level subjects in resource discipline;they are resourceology,resourcetics and resources managementology.Resourceology includes3second level subjects,9third level subjects and31fourth level subjects;resourcetics includes2second level subjects,5third level subjects and19fourth level subjects.Resources managementology includes3second subjects,8third level subjects and9fourth subjects.The major of bachelor in resource field is resourceolo-gy,and the major of master is resourceology,resourcetics and resources managementology.
作者 史培军
出处 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期257-266,共10页 Journal of Natural Resources
基金 教育部跨世纪人才基金(1998~2003) 国家重点基础研究规划项目(2000018604)资助。
关键词 人才培养 资源技术学 资源管理学 学科定位 学科设置 resource discipline system education system of resources field resourceology re-sourcetics resource managementology
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