本文在对大陆法系国家关于动产抵押制度的态度、理论及实施效果进行考证的基础上 ,认为动产抵押制度与让与担保制度在功能、设立方法、公示方法和公示效力等方面是完全相同的 ,动产抵押制度本身就是由让与担保制度演变而来的 ,它不过是让与担保的变态形式。动产抵押制度的创设 ,不仅未能完全取代让与担保 ,反而造成了抵押权理论的混乱 ,破坏了民法物权编体系的完整性。因此 ,作者主张 ,在我国未来的立法中 ,应当废除动产抵押制度 ,完全用让与担保制度取而代之。在我国 ,动产抵押与让与担保既没有共存的空间 ,也没有共存的必要 。
On the basis of exploring the attitudes, theories and effects of the system of chattel hypothecation in civil law countries, the author thinks that the system of chattel hypothecation and the system of mortgage are totally the same in the aspects of function, the methods of creation,the methods of publication and effects. Chattel hypothecation is only a variation of mortgage. The creation of the system of chattel hypothecation could not supersede the system of mortgage but confuses the theories relating to the right of hypothecation and destroys the system of right of things as a whole. Thus, the author suggests that the system of chattel hypothecation should be repealed and be entirely superseded by the system of mortgage. In China, there is no room, no need as well as no basis for the coexistence of chattel hypothecation and mortgage.
China Legal Science
20 0 2- 2 0 0 4年度司法部课题<特殊担保制度的比较法研究>的成果之一