分析贵州省的矿产资源优势 ,提出在矿业权市场建设方面采取加大宣传力度 ;做好规划 ,调整矿业产业结构 ;整顿矿产资源管理秩序 ,保障矿业权有偿取得者的合法权益 ;加强基础信息工作 ,公开公益性基础地质资料和矿业权信息 ;选准突破口 ,推进矿业权招标拍卖 ;
By analysis on the mining resources advantages of Guizhou, the paper proposes the following measures in order to construct the mining ownership market: increasing the extent of propagation; drafting good plans; adjusting mining industry structure, improving management to mining resources; protecting owners' legal right at a compensated cost; strengthening information work; opening public data and ownership information; promoting invitation for bid of mining ownership; constructing regulation and mining ownership market and so on.