研究了潮流作用下单点系泊船舶的静态分岔特性。以三阶非线性操纵运动微分方程为基础导出了系泊系统运动响应的数学模型 ,得到了静态分岔方程。运用奇异性理论和普适开折方法对其分岔特性进行了研究。应用系泊运动时域仿真模型 ,对一艘驳轮的静态分岔特性进行了数值计算 ,结果与理论分析一致。研究表明 ,在系泊系统的设计中 ,考虑其静态分岔特性和系泊系统的结构稳定性是必要的。
Investigated the staticd bifurcation charactgeristic of single point mooring systems under the action of tidal current. A nonlinear three order vessel maneuvering mathematical model was used to establish the motion differential equations of mooring systems subjected to current. Singularity Theory and Universal Unfolding Method were used to study the bifurcation characteristics of the static bifurcation equations. A computer simulation model was used to research the static bifurcation characteristic of a barge. The results show that it is necessary to discuss the structure stability and static bifurcation characteristics of dynamic systems in the design stage of mooring systems.
Journal of Ship Mechanics