目的 了解门诊性病流行趋势 ,为制定防治措施提供参考。 方法 对 1996~ 2 0 0 1年平顶山市性病防治中心登记的门诊性病病例资料进行统计分析。 结果 病例总数呈上升趋势 ,上升速度最快是梅毒 ,2 0 0 1年比 1996年上升了 14倍 ;各病种总数构成以非淋菌性尿道炎 (NGU)最高 ,为 38.6% ,其次为淋病和尖锐湿疣 ,分别为 2 7.1%和2 6.6% ;人群分布为男性高于女性 ,无业人员、个人工商户、司机等流动性较大职业人群和 2 0~ 39岁性活跃人群构成比较高。 结论 性病防治效果不容乐观 ,尤其应加大对梅毒、NGU的监测与防治 。
Objective To understand the prevalent trend of sexually transmitted diseases(STDs)in Pingdingahan City and provide basis for formulating control measures, Methods The data of registered STD outpatients in Pingdingshan Municipal STD Control Center in 1996~2001 were statstically analyzed. Results It showed that the quantity of infection of STDs ascended with syphilis being the fastest.The infection rate increased 14 times from 1996~2001 and nongonococcal urethritis(NGU)was the highest,being 38.6%,followed by gonorrhea and condyloma acuinatum accounted for 27.1% and 26.6%,respectively.The risk populations are those engaged in temporary jobs,such as,private businessmen,drivers,job-seekers aged between 20~39 years and mainly composed of males. Conclusion Effectve measured be taken for the control of STDs and emphasis be put on the control of NGU and syphilis.
China Tropical Medicine