苏轼作文 ,非常重视“命意”。他 :“出新意于法度之中 ,寄妙理于豪放之外。”或以浅近、生动、贴切的比喻来寄托 ,引发出深刻的哲理 ;或从一些分散零碎的事例里 ,发现并挖掘出蕴含于其中的生活的必然 ;或集叙事 ,说理、抒情于一体 ,思想深遂 ,极具个性 ;或信手写来 ,不加涂饰 ,平淡中包含着耐人寻味的深意。由于苏轼散文讲究命意 。
Su Shi placed great emphasis on the 'propositional Meaning'of his writing.He derived the new meaning from the legal principle and extraordinary argument out of his bold and unconstrained style.Sometimes he used simple but rivid and proper metaphor to reach the deep philosophic theory.Sometimes he discorered and explored the rule of law in life from some bits and pieces examples.His deep thinking and unique personality was spread through the combination of his narration,argumentation and lyrics.His reflective deep meaning was included in his seemingly plain writing style without any modification and preparation.It was owing to SU Shis great emphasis on the propositional meaning of his essay that his writing was much favored by readers generation after generation.
Journal of Huizhou University