搞好芜湖长江大跨越塔 10 .9级高强度螺栓设计、制造和安装的措施 :(1)合理选择原材料钢牌号 ,严格把好原材料质量关 ,进行常规理化试验 ,有条件时还要做探伤检查。 (2 )热处理工艺技术将直接影响高强度螺栓的整体性能。硬度太低 ,强度不够 ;硬度太高 ,螺栓可能产生硬脆。 (3)在满足承载力的前提下尽量采用小直径螺栓。(4 )高强度螺栓采用热镀锌防腐蚀措施时宜优先采用抛丸等物理除锈工艺。 (5 )螺栓紧固应采用力矩扳手 。
In order to design, manufacture and install well the high strength bolts of class 10.9 used for long crossing extra high tower over the Yangtse river in Wuhu it is necessary to execute the following measure: (1) reasonably selecting the steel brand of raw material to strictly guarantee the raw material quality, executing conventional physical and chemical test and fault detection if condition is permitted; (2) The heat treatment technology has direct influence on the integral property of the high strength bolts. If its hardness is too low, the strength will be not enough, while the hardness is too high, the hard brittleness may occur to the bolt; (3) In prerequisite of meeting the bearing capacity the small-diameter bolts would better be applied; (4) The physical derusting process like abrasion and so on should be used in priority if the zinc coating is used for the high strength bolt; (5) The torque wrench should be used for bolt tightening according to the tightening value.
Electric Power Construction