利用溶剂精制和中压加氢处理等组合工艺生产的Ⅱ类基础油比常规溶剂精制基础油粘度指数高,蒸发损失低,氧化安定性及低温流动性好。根据此种基础油的特点,研制了粘度等级10W/30、加剂量4.7%的SF级汽油机油,通过了标准发动机台架评定,符合10W/30 SF汽油机油技术指标要求。
Connected processing included solvent refinement and medium - pressure hydrogenation
technology. The products with the technologies had the characteristics of higher viscosity index, lower evaporation loss, better oxidation stability and low temperature fluidity compared with the original solvent refined oils and could satisfy API Group II base oil standards. According to these characteristics of the base oils, this paper had developed 10W/30 SF gasoline oil with the additive treat rate of 4.7%, which was the lowest additive treat rate we had known at present.
Petroleum Products Application Research