分析了重庆市工业区 (九龙坡 )、商住区 (渝中区 )和清洁对照区 (北碚区 )的总悬浮颗粒物 (TSP)监测结果。结果表明 ,工业区 TSP年均值浓度超过我国空气质量二级标准 (0 .2 mg/ m3) 2 3 % ,其它两区域未超过此标准。说明重庆市工业生产对颗粒物污染影响严重 ,空气质量不容乐观。用离子色谱分析了 TSP中 9种水溶性离子组分 ,结果显示 :各离子年均值浓度顺序为 [SO4 2 - ]>[NO3- ]>[Cl- ]>[F- ]>[Ca2 + ]>[NH4 + ]>[K+ ]>[Na+ ]>[Mg2 + ];年均值浓度区域变化为 :工业区 >商住区 >对照区。 NH4 + 、K+ 、Ca2 + 、NO3- 和 SO4 2 - 等离子的浓度季节变化规律相似 :春季和秋季高于夏季和冬季。相关分析显示 :工业区 TSP浓度主要受局地排放的煤烟尘影响 ;商住区主要受局地稳定性污染源和远距离输送污染物影响 ;对照点的 TSP主要来源于远距离输送的煤烟尘。
The content of TSP was analyzed in this paper,which was got from three kinds of areas in Chongqing,industrial area(Jinyun District),commercial and living area(Yuzhong District)and control area(Jinyun Montain at Beibei District).The results showed that the annual average concentration of TSP in the industrial area was 23% higher than the Standard (Ⅱ)(0.2mg/m 3),the rest were lower than that,This implied the air pollution was serious in Chongqing for industrial production.Nine kinds of soluble ions of TSP were analyzed by ion chromatography(IC).It showed that the order of their annual average concentrations values was [ SO 4 2- ]>[ NO 3 -]>>,and [Ca 2+ ]>[ NH 4 +]>>>[Mg 2+ ].The almost values had the similar order in different area:the industrial area>the commercial and living area>the control area.To NH 4 +,K +,Ca 2+ , NO 3 - and SO 4 2- ,their seasonal average values had the similar changing tendency:the values in spring and fall were higher than that in summer and winter.The seasonal average concentrations values of ,, and [Mg 2+ ] were very lower than others'.However the value of changed more in different season than other three ions'.The correlation efficiency showed that the TSP concentration in industrial area was mostly affected by coal smoke and coal dust,which was released in the local.That in commercial and living area was mostly affected by the local pollutions and the long way pollutions transported.In the control site,the most of TSP was the fine particles transported,such as coal smoke and coal dust,soil dust and the sea salt.
Chongqing Environmental Science
重庆市环保局科研基金 (2 0 0 2 - 0 4 )