目的 :介绍Bernese截骨术治疗先天性髋臼发育不良。方法 :1998年 4月~ 2 0 0 1年 12月 ,共有 2 9例 ( 30髋 )髋臼发育不良患者接受Bernese截骨术治疗。患者年龄 14~ 35岁 ,术前按Merled’Aubigne评分标准积分 6~ 15分 ,平均 13分 ,X线片示CE角 -5~ 2 0° ,平均 -0 .1° ,sharp角 42~ 6 0° ,平均 5 0° ,股骨头覆盖指数 10 %~ 6 0 % ,平均47.2 %。结果 :Merled’Aubigne评分从术前平均 13( 6~ 15 )分提高到术后平均 17( 12 .5~ 18)分 ,术后CE角平均 40°( 2 8~ 5 0°) ,sharp角平均 36°( 2 5~ 38°) ,股骨头覆盖指数 90 % ( 81%~ 10 0 % ) ,术后关节活动范围较术前在各方向上均有减少 ,术后并发症包括下肢深静脉血栓形成 1例 ,股外侧皮神经损伤 2例 ,髋关节半脱位加重 1例 ,浅表液化 2例。结论 :Bernese术具有其它截骨术不可比拟的优势 ,是目前治疗青少年及成年髋臼发育不良的最佳选择。
Objective: To introduce the Bernese osteotomy for the treatment of congenital acetabular dysplasia. Methods: From April 1998 to December 2001, 29 patients(30 hips) with acetabular dysplasia were operated upon with Bernese osteotomies. The ages of the patients ranged from 14 to 35 years. The mean D'Aubigne hip score were 13(6~15)pre-operatively. Average CE angle was -0.1°(-5~20°),Sharp angle was 50°(42~60°); the Covering Index of femoral head was 47.2%(10~60%). Results: D'Aubigne hip score increased to 17(12.5~18) post-operatively. CE angle increased to 40°(28~50°); Sharp angle was improved to 36°(25~38°),and the Covering Index of femoral head was 90%(81~100%). The hip ROM decreased in all directions. The complications include: one case of deep vein thrombosis, 2 incision liquefaction, 2 lateral cutaneous nerve dysfunction, and excessive lateral displacement occurred in one case. Conclusion: The Bernese osteotomy has the advantages that are beyond other osteotomies. So it is the best to choose Bernese osteotomy for the treatment of teenaged or adult acetabular dysplasia.
Orthopedic Journal of China