1997~ 1998年在 2 2个县 (市 ) 6 3个自然村 ,用扑蛉管、扑蛉纸和灯光诱扑等方法 ,开展了白蛉监测 ,共扑获白蛉 12 0 8只 ,经鉴定 99.38% (12 0 0只 )为鳞喙白蛉 ,0 .6 6 % (8只 )为鲍氏白蛉 ,未发现黑热病的传播媒介—中华白蛉。
From 1997 to 1998, a surveillance of phlebotomine sandflies had been carried out by means of aspirator Bemaoil sticking papers and light in 63 villages of 22 counties in Hubei. 1 208 phlebotomine sendflies had been collected and 2 species had been identified which were Sergentomyia squamirostris(99.38%), and Sergentomyia barraudi(0.66%), while Phlebotomus chinensis, the vector of Kara azar had no been found
Journal of Medical Pest Control